Grade 2 Curriculum

Mr. Heath Miller

Math: Saxon Math Series-It builds upon the first grade curriculum. We do addition and subtraction. Multiplication is also introduced in 2nd grade.

Science: Scott Foresman Science-Focus on life science topics such as plant life and animals including dinosaurs as well as force and motion.

Social Studies: Silver Burdett and Ginn Social Studies-Different types of communities are focused on throughout the year. We also discuss current events as they affect our daily lives.

Mrs. Angie George

Reading: Houghton Mifflin Reading Series for our grade level.

Phonics: Saxon Phonics Series-It builds upon and expands upon concepts introduced in 1st grade. The concepts aid in further development of the student’s reading skills.

English: Macmillan English-We focus on nouns, verbs and adjectives and use in context throughout all subject areas.

Spelling: Houghton Mifflin Spelling and Vocabulary Series-Organized to reinforce concepts taught throughout English, reading and phonics.

Handwriting: Zaner-Bloser handwriting-Review of manuscript and focus on mastering cursive handwriting skills

Mrs. Marie Jorkasky

Religion: Jesus Our Life textbook-Focus on and reinforce topics introduced in First Grade. Main focus during the second semester in on First Reconciliation and First Communion preparation.

Mrs. Nancy Mickey

Mrs. Nancy Mickey teaches music, art, and gym.